понедельник, 30 декабря 2019 г.


Client component This component is the InfoSphere Optim Query Tuner client and is the tool that you use for running analysis tools on SQL statements and getting recommendations from advisors. If you have this kit, install and use it as you would the license activation kit that was just described. You can also compare access plans to validate the results of a tuning activity. These documents provide information about how to configure data servers so that you can tune SQL statements or query workloads that run on them. Install the license activation kit or the trial license activation kit only. No No Install the Data Studio client only. infosphere optim query tuner

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infosphere optim query tuner

You use this client for your tuning tasks. Contact and feedback Need support? None of the above, continue with my search. Installing the Data Studo client silently. The support pages list tech notes and other documents that can help you troubleshoot problems or find out when a Fix Pack is available.


You can choose whether to install these components through a wizard or silently with a response file. No No Install the Data Studio client only.

infosphere optim query tuner

Please try again later or use one of the other support options on this page. However, after you bind or deploy the application, you can ttuner the SQL statement from a DB2 package or from the dynamic statement cache and then tune it.

The statement can tune data server related variables such as DB2 host variables. After the license expires on a database or subsystem, you can use only the no-charge tuning features when connectedto that database or subsystem.

IBM InfoSphere Optim Query Workload Tuner for DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows,

Downloadable files To download compressed files that contain the components for this product, sign lptim to IBM Passport Advantage at http: You can also compare access plans to validate the results of a tuning activity. Architecture of the product The product consists of two components.

Installing the Data Studio client through Installation Manager, if you downloaded the client separately. After the license is activated on that database or subsystem, the full set of tuning features is available to anyone else quedy connects to that database or subsystem through the Data Studio client, Version 3. Support The support pages list tech notes and other documents that can help you troubleshoot problems or find out when a Fix Pack is available.

You can use these instructions to install the license activation kit or the trial license activation optkm for InfoSphere Optim Query Workload Tuner: Install the license activation kit or the trial license activation kit only.

Please try again later or use one of the other support options on this page. Extract the compressed file for the server configuration kit to a temporary directory on the system where a supported version of DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows is installed.

Ensure the following project and application requirements are met: Microsoft Windows Microsoft Windows bit: IBM Support Check here to start a new keyword search. You can skip directly to the recommendations by right-clicking an SQL statement in any of these three locations and selecting Get Query Tuner Report. You can either install it from the installation media for InfoSphere Optim Query Workload Tuner or by downloading it from this location: After the features are activated, they are available to anyone else who connects to that database or subsystem through the Data Studio client, Version 4.

Extract the compressed file for the InfoSphere Optim Query Tuner client to a temporary directory on a system that is running a supported version of Microsoft Windows.

Tuning SQL statements with InfoSphere Optim Query Workload Tuner

Contact and feedback Need support? In the SQL Outline view: Watson Product Search Search. One opyim installs the license activation kit together with the Data Studio client, Version 4. Simply connect to a data server where the full set of tuning features in version 4.

Installation Instructions Extract the compressed file for the InfoSphere Optim Query Tuner client to a temporary directory on a system that is running a supported version of Microsoft Windows.

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