среда, 8 января 2020 г.


This tool is now tolerated. Honestly, did you even engage a lawyer? Since the development of AGO is not really progressing, I have decided to make my version available to the public with small bug fixes and keep updating it. The licensing of AGO is totally broken, from my point of view, it does not have any valid license at all, so the legal situation should from my point of view be totally unclear, especially as you published the sourcecode on GitHub and invited people to work with you on it. I neither have time to argue with copycat, i paid lawyer for this process and he will continue this all. Won't do anything what could affect whole case. antigame addon

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Yesterday Mozilla received court document, their lawyer also needs to check document before sending you DCMA notice. Nevertheless, I still have some ideas that I still want to incorporate, so you can still request features anyway.

For the most part, this will only be bug fixes, so that you can continue to use AGO without any problem.

So DMCA is not applicable at all. Also you'll be the first to get the newest updates and test new Beta versions before they are antiigame to Final version. If you would like to use all features of this site, it is mandatory to enable JavaScript. Quote from court order: Just keep antiagme mind that your behavior is not appropriate for someone who wants to offer the community a voluntary project.

I am the one who continued development when Francolino left. Was not sure whether or not I should laugh or facepalm, so I decided for a sheep. Google didn't responded yet to DCMA breach, but lawyer is taking care. Make sure to backup your settings before deleting the old AGO and installing this one. You antgame just not same person, i know since i would never gave that opportunity to person which you became now.

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This tool is now tolerated. DMCA is not applicable in Germany. Since the development of AGO is not really progressing, I have decided to make my version available to the public with small bug fixes and keep updating it. Hello friends of good taste, given that the development of AGO has stopped, I decided addon take over development and release my own version: The post was edited 3 times, last by RiV- Sep 13th6: I have adapted code for Ogame v6, At that time antigame was not registered, i done all legal stuff to register it and prevent from copying what you done now.

In germany there is equivalent for copyright breach. Now, according to license.

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Users Online 3 3 Guests. Facebook 0 Twitter 0 Google Plus 0 Reddit 0. Says a guy who dunno if he has enough sntigame for coming and being developer for AGO.


But if you want to go that road, do it. So you can come to court and tell he didn't done nothing but that doesn't affect the case. Official AGO Discord server: Oh boy, you wasn't a guy like that, idk what happened with guy who had good behavior and respected others especially those who GAVE him even a opportunity to become part of developing AntiGame.

This is my last post according all this, all other will be done trough legal side privately. Honestly, did you even engage a lawyer? Doesn't change anything, you can't publish modify versions of AntiGame according to licence.

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Yes you are missing a lot. AntiGame anitgame on my name and its code behind protected against copy. Charlie That is when he worked for AntiGame on legal way, than was this repo made. Does RiV live in the US? Your browser has JavaScript disabled.

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